Well, September ended

September wound up being a month that felt productive and refreshing, as far as nerd and life pursuits go. I started the month off with a trip to NYC (that now somehow feels like it was a lifetime ago instead of just a month ago). Well, honestly, I ended August with that trip and was back in town by the first, but I’m counting it as the kick off to September. Much walking was done; much shopping; saw TWO Broadway shows, which was amazing, as I always love indulging my inner theatre kid; and basically the last thing we did was go to the Nintendo store, which I didn’t get to do on my last trip to NYC. I didn’t wind up buying anything because short on money and they didn’t really have anything that knocked my socks off (no Vaporeon stuff 😦 ), but it was fun and pretty dang cool all the same. Had that weird moment of feeling out of place because nerd central and the weird, nerd-girl baggage I’m not sure I ever won’t have, but fun all the same! I especially loved the displays of all the Nintendo home and handheld consoles, as I may or may not be a bigger nerd for that kind of stuff than I let on. I have pictures, but unfortunately don’t have them readily available at this time.

September went on to be fairly productive, both in boring, real life, adulting stuff, and also in nerd stuff. I’m tweaking my writing schedule a bit (it’s a work-in-progress, figuring out what works best as I go). I also am working on how to fit more gaming time into my life, since that struggle is super real. I did manage to finish the Ni No Kuni 2 DLC that I let stack up, as well as episodes 3 and 4 of Life is Strange 2.

I also started watching Evangelion! It’s my first time watching it, and yes, I know about the issues surrounding this Netflix release, but at least I’m finally getting to see it. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about it yet, so I’m withholding all real judgments until I’m completely finished, I think. I’m only now just about done with the first cour. It’s been a little slow going since I’m watching it as part of  a watch-along and also only watching while on the treadmill.

Finally, I’ve started playing D&D! This is another first, and something I’ve wanted to do for a very, very long time, even more so since I started watching/listening to Critical Roll. We started towards the beginning on the month, and honestly, I’m crediting a lot of my creative energy coming unstuck to that.

Looking forward to October now, it’s finally spooky, scary, Halloween time! Which means a month of nothing but horror/spooky-ish games! First up has been the final season of Tell Tale’s The Walking Dead. I’m already through the first three episodes, but you can see my playthrough of the first half of episode 1 up on my Twitch channel! That’s right! I’m finally, finally streaming again. I’m trying to keep a pseudo-schedule of Tuesday evenings and every other Thursday evening, but it’s pretty unofficial. No matter what though, I am trying to keep it to streaming a minimum of two days a week. The best way to find out when I’m streaming though is probably to follow my twitter (@kanoitrace), and you can follow my twitch (sliceofnerd) if you’d like. I know I would appreciate it. I’ve been having a lot of fun streaming again and just keeping it super casual. Currently and for the immediate future, I’ll only be streaming games available on PS4, but I have my eye on a capture card as my next weight loss goal reward. Seven pounds to go!

So yes, just nerd shit galore going on, and I’m super jazzed about it. Yeah, I said jazzed, what of it?


(P.S. I will not be able to keep this streaming schedule for at least the next week due to prepping for a trip and then being on said trip. Still, keep an eye on twitter for any chances that I may get to actually stream before I leave or once I get back.)

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